Monthly Archives: December 2020

Ophelia Fu Showcases New Crypto Art in Virtual World

UK-based mixed media and digital artist Ophelia Fu has a new digital art show that you and anyone else [...]

2022-01-27T13:57:38+00:0022 December 2020|Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, New Media Art, NFT, Online Show|Comments Off on Ophelia Fu Showcases New Crypto Art in Virtual World

What is the Relationship between Digital Art and Memory?

How do we store and process painful memories? What’s more, who really decides what memories to keep — whose [...]

2022-01-27T14:03:52+00:0016 December 2020|Digital Art, Digital Photography, Sculpture|Comments Off on What is the Relationship between Digital Art and Memory?

Claudia Hart: How Her Latest Digital Art Exhibition Got Meta

While today’s reality is bound to four walls for most of us, digital art offers us endless ways to [...]

2022-01-27T15:07:31+00:0010 December 2020|Agora Talks, Computer Art, Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Illustration, Immersive Environment, Metaverse, New Media Art, Performance, Sculpture, Video Art|Comments Off on Claudia Hart: How Her Latest Digital Art Exhibition Got Meta

Lilia Ziamou Creates Fragmented Bodies by Scanning Bones

Would you dare to use human bones as the basis for your next artwork? That’s what Lilia Ziamou has [...]

2021-12-04T13:35:31+00:006 December 2020|Agora Talks, Art and Technology, Digital Art, New Media Art|Comments Off on Lilia Ziamou Creates Fragmented Bodies by Scanning Bones

Claudia Hart

Claudia Hart A bridge between the virtual space and the reality, Claudia Hart’s works [...]

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