Monthly Archives: April 2021

NFTs and Crypto Art Provide Platforms for “Invisible” Digital Artists

Japan-based digital artist and creator behind the virtual reality (VR) space Infinite Art Museum (IAM), Nigel Fogden tells us [...]

2022-03-27T16:39:23+01:0029 April 2021|Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, ethereum, New Media Art, NFT|Comments Off on NFTs and Crypto Art Provide Platforms for “Invisible” Digital Artists

NFTs in Digital Art: Tokens or Tokenism?

Discover how NFTs are democratising the art world and making it more inclusive to women in Digital Art. [...]

2022-03-27T16:28:13+01:0028 April 2021|Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, ethereum, Feminism, Interview, New Media Art, NFT, tokens, Women To Watch|Comments Off on NFTs in Digital Art: Tokens or Tokenism?

Women of Crypto Art (WOCA) Launch the NFT Arcana Crypto Tarot

22 women digital artists get together to create the world’s first functional Tarot NFT and launch it on programmable [...]

2022-03-27T16:53:12+01:0028 April 2021|Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, ethereum, Feminism, Illustration, New Media Art, NFT, Online Show, tokens, Women To Watch|Comments Off on Women of Crypto Art (WOCA) Launch the NFT Arcana Crypto Tarot

Kelly Ewing Turns Female Forms to Digital Art

After turning her practice to Digital Media, artist Kelly Ewing explores the intersection of the feminine as an object [...]

2022-03-27T17:08:48+01:0023 April 2021|Augmented Reality, Digital Art, Interview, New Media Art, Sculpture|Comments Off on Kelly Ewing Turns Female Forms to Digital Art

HyperAllergic: Why We Need a Feminist Manifesta of the Blockchain

The blockchain signals a shift in our identity formation in the 21st century. Claudia Hart  |  Ed HyperAllergic [...]

2021-08-12T17:49:42+01:0020 April 2021|Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, ethereum, Feminism, New Media Art, NFT, tokens|Comments Off on HyperAllergic: Why We Need a Feminist Manifesta of the Blockchain

Belonging #1: What is at the heart of the Nxt Museum with Natasha Greenhalgh

Transforming the New Media Art Scene in the Netherlands, in this episode of Belonging, we chat to Natasha Greenhalgh [...]

2022-03-27T17:17:08+01:0017 April 2021|Digital Art, Interview, New Media Art, Podcast Interview|Comments Off on Belonging #1: What is at the heart of the Nxt Museum with Natasha Greenhalgh

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis wwwunderkammer appeals to the 16th  century “Cabinets of Curiosity” [...]

You’re Doing Amazing Sweetie? Kim and the Critical Eye of Digital Art

Have you ever lusted after a fitspo physique or Kim Kardashian’s (k)urves? Australian digital artist Tyler Payne’s works ask [...]

2022-03-27T17:36:07+01:008 April 2021|Animation Art, Digital Art, Digital Photography, Feminism, New Media Art, Video Art|Comments Off on You’re Doing Amazing Sweetie? Kim and the Critical Eye of Digital Art
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