Monthly Archives: December 2021

What is Fungibility? NFTs, Slavery and Mushrooms.

Unpicking the lexicon of NFTs reminds us how interconnected capitalism, technology and slavery really are. Zelda Solomon  |  [...]

2022-04-23T00:20:31+01:0027 December 2021|Digital Art, New Media Art, Performance, Political Art|Comments Off on What is Fungibility? NFTs, Slavery and Mushrooms.

Honey I’m Home – Amiss Collective

What springs to mind when you think about the ‘domestic space’? Do your thoughts take you to the comforts [...]

2022-04-23T08:30:52+01:002 December 2021|Architecture Design, Artist Residency, Digital Art, Feminism, Immersive Environment, New Media Art|Comments Off on Honey I’m Home – Amiss Collective
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