About Agora

Agora Digital Art symbol

Who are we?

Based in London, we are a decentralised certified social enterprise, entirely run by a rich and mixed collective of volunteers composed of curators, art historians, copywriters, marketers and creative minds.

What do we do?

Everything we do – from our talks, to our storiespodcastsartists’ profileartists residencies, and VR Exhibitions – is to offer you a different art experience.

What’s our mission?

The art world needs to recognize the important contributions of women artists to digital art, but it also needs to recognize the significance of digital art itself.

We are on a mission to promote women artists who create with and in New Media because Digital Art induces deeper reflection on, and interpretation of, the world around us.

As a result, we participate in the democratisation of art and open new avenues of thought, expression and debate.

What are our values?

We thrive in a broad network built on

  • Diversity – We are a community of rich and diverse people.
  • Boldness – We push the boundaries to grow together.
  • Humility – We always place the interests of the collective before our own.
  • Respect and care for others – We make every person feel comfortable in their beliefs, decisions, and perspectives.
  • Ownership – We take responsibility for our actions.
  • Openness – We are honest and transparent in all our dealings.

We are a decentralised non-for-profit and a certified social enterprise.

Agora Digital Art is a certified Social Enterprise by SEUK

What is a “social enterprise”? 

Social Enterprises are businesses with a Social Impact. It means that the company invests 50% of its surplus into “charitable projects”.

“Charitable projects” include but are not limited to support Digital Artists by facilitating project deliveries and commissioning new artworks.

Social Impact

Art can be a tool for social impact!  As a social enterprise, we place Women Digital Artists at the heart of our business.

Although, Women Artists have a 72.9% ROI, in the arts, women artists are still under-represented. With a higher rate in New Media Art.

Our Committee

Tamiko Thiel, American artist, Munchen, DE

Mila Askarova, Gazelli Art House, London, UK

Dominique Moulon, curator, Paris, FR

Our Advisors

Thank you for your support and expertise: Benoît Conti and Michaela Gruber

Our Talents

A skilled and multicultural community of volunteers, around the world, supporting an expansive network of international artists, curators and gallerists.

Agora is a member of NCVOReach Volunteering and Social Enterprise UK.

Agora is always looking for talents who are willing to share their skills for our cause. There are always open-ended positions such as curators and copywriters, and there are specific volunteer positions such as Fundraisers, Grant Writers, Digital Marketing Advisor, and Public Relations Specialist.

Check our openings on Reach Volunteering

Curators Team

  • Işıl Ezgi Çelik is a volunteer Digital Curator at Agora Digital Art

Editorial Team

  • James Howard, Volunteer Copywrwiter at Agora Digital Art
  • Pablo Herrera is our volunteer copywriter at Agora Digital Art
  • Luke Treder - Volunteer Copywriter at Agora Digital Art

Marketing Team

  • MiMi - Founder at Agora Digital Art

Our Partners

Art Domain is the Digital Parnter of Agora Digital Art

Be part of the .Art Community!

Save 50% on your Premium domain

=> Use Code #Immersy

Metaxu.Studio VR venue Partner of Agora Digital Art

Metaxustudio is an Architectural Design company focusing on immersive virtual realities while keeping a human-centred approach.

The Sublime 3.0 Fear and Awe - in partnership with thewrong biennale for Agora Digital Art

thewrong biennale is celebrating digital culture since 2o13. the wrong is a collaborative effort harnessing the potential of the internet, shaped as a decentralised global art biennale & tv channel.

W21 as in Women of 21 Century - Programme Partner of Agora Digital Art

Women of 21st Century is an ongoing participatory art project focusing on post-feminism and intersectional practice in art, science, culture, and technology. We aim to map feminist practice and to write a collaborative manifesto for the digital era, with deep considerations of gender, class or race.


Call for boycott

BDZ / Boycott Zabludowicz supported by Agora Digital Art

Agora Digital Art is supporting the BDZ group #BoycottZabludowicz

Zabludowicz Art Trust and its affiliated platforms:

Get Involved!

Contact us with a text or a voice message on Discord or WhatsApp: +447407 083315


What is sustainable investing?

It is the new way to invest in the returns you expect while staying true to your values. That is whether you care about a cause or driving social change.

Invest to generate measurable social impact alongside a financial return.

You see the difference you are making with an “impact investment” transparent audit report.

According to UBS research, the global sustainable investment market is growing because investing sustainably improves returns.


We organise regular virtual networking groups and a few physical events in London during the year. Contact us to be part of our Partner and Sponsor Programme.