Mila Askarova and Claudia Hart, the pioneer digital women artist discussed the artist’s exhibition on view at London’s Gazelli Art House, the unveiling of Claudia Hart’s new series ‘An Imaginary Ruin”.
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This event was produced for you by our super Team of Volunteers. Lots of shine to: Isabella Helms and Monica Raithel
During the talk, we viewed two videos. Watch those videos in their intended sound qualities
Claudia Hart and Mila Askarova in Hubs Mozilla
Claudia Hart, The Ruins (2020) for Single Channel @ Courtesy of the artist and bitform gallery
More info
- Artist Claudia Hart‘s profile by Euan McPherson, Biographer.
- Claudia Hart Talk: How Her Latest Digital Art Exhibition Got Meta by Isabella Helms, Curator and Moderator for this talk.
- Claudia Hart’s Social VR exhibitions on Hubs Mozilla
- Press Release from Gazelli Art House
- Podcast available soon on Apple, Anchor, Breaker, Castbox, GoogleCast, Overcast, RadioPublic, Spotify
Artist’s Portfolio
Discover more about Claudia Hart in our featured Artists.
Claudia Hart, Digital Death, 2013 – 3D Animation installation, 23-minute loop © Courtesy of the artist and Gazelli Art House
Alice: A Machine For Thinking (2019)
Claudia Hart, Alice: A Machine For Thinking, 2019 (Video documentation of VR Experience). 3-Channel 3D-Animation, 1920p x 1080p + Vive VR © Courtesy of the artist and Gazelli Art House
Coming soon: An Imaginary Ruin in Hubs and gallery installation at Gazelli Art House
25 November 20 – 10 January 21
© Courtesy of the artist and Gazelli Art House
The Ruins, the central artwork from which the exhibition gains its title, is an audiovisual animation tracking through a claustrophobic game world from which there is no escape. As the three-channel maze unravels, Hart introduces her newest interpretation of still lifes—low-resolution polygon models. These models, hearkening to the idea of a poor copy or image popularised by Hito Steryl, are computer-made replications of copyright-protected paintings. Taken from works by Matisse and Picasso, patriarchs of the Modernist canon, these forms cover The Ruins in flirtatious copyright infringement. Copyright marks the beginning of Modernism as a response to the emerging technology of photography. Music composed by Edmund Campion furthers the ethos of modernism through the tactical mixing of failed Utopian ideologies: Thomas Jefferson On American Liberty; The Bauhaus Manifesto by Walter Gropius; Fordlandia, Henry Ford’s failed suburban rubber plantation in the Amazon rainforest; and Jim Jones’s sermon, The Open Door. Campion has processed and mixed each recording read by the artist, using Hart’s voice as an instrument that serves as the soundtrack to both the animation and the exhibition itself.
Gazelli Art House –
Virtual Reality Exhibition
To mark the fifth anniversary of the groundbreaking new media group exhibition, we will be featuring both previous participants and new talent from our online residency.
The show will feature works by Rebecca Allen, Jocelyn Anquetil, BRiGHTBLACK, Claudia Hart, Michael Takeo Magruder with Drew Baker, Gibson/Martelli with Roche & Mercier, Matterlurgy, Mbryonic with Xavier Sole, Iain Nicholls and Matteo Zamagni.
© Courtesy of the Gazelli Art House.
© Courtesy of the artists duo Matterlurgy and Gazelli Art House
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