Computer animation began in the 1960s and is animation’s digital successor. Using software programs like Adobe Flash, animators build-up sequences on a computer to be used as special effects in film, called Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), or as animated sequences in their own right. Computer animation has distinct advantages for artists: it is cheap to make, fast, and the artist is able to control every aspect of the process unlike the vagaries of shooting film which cannot be viewed until developed. Sites like YouTube and MySpace have become forums for computer animation, bypassing the traditional galleries and museums as the spaces for the artistic enterprise.

West Sydney’s Finest Demon: Serwah Attafuah draws us into her digital dreamworld

From Western Sydney to Sotheby’s, digital artist Serwah Attafuah creates luminous renditions of our future, giving us the ‘floorplans [...]

2022-03-27T14:33:28+01:0027 July 2021|Animation Art, Art and Technology, Blockchain, CGI, Computer Art, Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Digital Fashion, Digital Music, Digital Painting, ethereum, Feminism, Game Art, Illustration, Immersive Environment, Interview, Metaverse, New Media Art, NFT|Comments Off on West Sydney’s Finest Demon: Serwah Attafuah draws us into her digital dreamworld

m o r e – Gabriela Reyes

Resident: Gabriela Reyes Gabriela Reyes, m o r e (2021) [...]

Marjan Moghaddam

Marjan Moghaddam Digital art innovator Marjan Moghaddam uses a unique style of 3d CG figuration [...]

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis wwwunderkammer appeals to the 16th  century “Cabinets of Curiosity” [...]

Rachel Rossin

Rachel Rossin Is technology nothing more than an extension of our body? Digital artist Rachel [...]

2022-01-27T13:53:17+00:0022 January 2021|Art and Technology, Artist Profile, Augmented Reality, Biography, CGI, Computer Art, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, New Media Art, Video Art|Comments Off on Rachel Rossin

Claudia Hart

Claudia Hart A bridge between the virtual space and the reality, Claudia Hart’s works [...]

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