Digital Avatar

In computing, an avatar (also known as a profile picture or userpic) is a graphical representation of a user or the user’s character or persona. It may take either a two-dimensional form as an icon in Internet forums and other online communities or a three-dimensional form, as in games or virtual worlds.

Marjan Moghaddam

Marjan Moghaddam Digital art innovator Marjan Moghaddam uses a unique style of 3d CG figuration [...]

What Is at Stake in Jake Elwes’ Work of Queering AI?

New Media artwork, The Zizi Show by artist Jake Elwes is a deep fake drag show and the first-ever [...]

2022-03-27T16:05:09+01:003 May 2021|AI, Computer Art, Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Glitch Art, LGBTQIA+, New Media Art, Performance, Queer Art|Comments Off on What Is at Stake in Jake Elwes’ Work of Queering AI?

Exploration – Ashley Zelinskie

Resident: Ashley Zelinskie Ashley Zinskie, Exploration JWST (2017) Nasa laser [...]

Curator’s Radar 4: Who’s Cem from Freeze Magazine?

That face when you meme your way to the top of the art world. Adrian StClair  |  Ed [...]

2022-03-27T15:53:41+01:001 May 2021|Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Illustration, New Media Art, Podcast Interview, Political Art|Comments Off on Curator’s Radar 4: Who’s Cem from Freeze Magazine?

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis wwwunderkammer appeals to the 16th  century “Cabinets of Curiosity” [...]

Lu Yang

Lu Yang Lu Yang is a multimedia artist driven by the desire to explore her [...]

Coded Bias: Racial and Gender Bias in Algorithms

When MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini discovers that most facial-recognition software misidentifies women and darker-skinned faces, she delves [...]

2022-01-27T17:26:53+00:0029 March 2021|AI, Art and Science, Art and Technology, Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Digital Photography, Feminism, New Media Art, Political Art|Comments Off on Coded Bias: Racial and Gender Bias in Algorithms

Curating Speculative Futures – Alice Scope

While many art galleries remain closed, new digital forms of curation have gained traction. For our next Agora talk, [...]

2022-03-27T18:39:27+01:0010 March 2021|Agora Talks, Augmented Reality, Computer Art, Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Feminism, New Media Art, Video Art|Comments Off on Curating Speculative Futures – Alice Scope

Cuerpas – Emma Shapiro

Resident: Emma Shapiro Emma Shapiro, Cut Outs, Projection Interaction  (2021) [...]

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