Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. Applications of virtual reality can include entertainment (i.e. video games) and educational purposes (i.e. medical or military training). Other, distinct types of VR style technology include augmented reality and mixed reality, sometimes referred to as extended reality or XR.

The Anxiety and Action of the Contemporary Natural Sublime

The Sublime 3.0: Fear & Awe is featured in The Wrong Biennale, pavilion 37, where we showcase how New [...]

2022-04-22T22:43:07+01:0010 October 2021|Digital Art, Metaverse, New Media Art, Virtual Reality|Comments Off on The Anxiety and Action of the Contemporary Natural Sublime

Women in Proverbs – Irem Çoban

Resident: Irem Çoban Irem Çoban, Women in Proverbs [...]

Léa Porré

Léa Porré The digital artist Léa Porré builds alternative worlds that transcend historical boundaries, detached [...]

Wednesday Kim

Wednesday Kim Through sharing her perception of trauma, human psychology and identity, Wednesday Kim creates [...]

m o r e – Gabriela Reyes

Resident: Gabriela Reyes Gabriela Reyes, m o r e (2021) [...]

Marjan Moghaddam

Marjan Moghaddam Digital art innovator Marjan Moghaddam uses a unique style of 3d CG figuration [...]

Auriea Harvey

Auriea Harvey Auriea Harvey masterfully blends the physical and the digital in her innovative New [...]

Exploration – Ashley Zelinskie

Resident: Ashley Zelinskie Ashley Zinskie, Exploration JWST (2017) Nasa laser [...]

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis wwwunderkammer appeals to the 16th  century “Cabinets of Curiosity” [...]

Lu Yang

Lu Yang Lu Yang is a multimedia artist driven by the desire to explore her [...]

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