Agora Digital Art Residencies
The purpose of the digital residency is to become a springboard for creative women working in Digital Art and virtual reality.
You can develop or create a project from scratch. It does not need to be finished by the end of your monthly residency.
We celebrate the good work with an exhibition on a virtual platform such as Hubs Mozilla or any other you may be familiar with.
That venue exhibition is yours and you can update it, amend it as long as you want. Take this opportunity to have a solo venue where you can invite the public, the gallerists and the curators to show your work.
Previous Women Artists in Residence
Check our residents permanent VR exhibitions in Mozilla Hubs.
Check them often as their projects evolve!
Better experienced on desktop, with Firefox or Google Chrome
Homo Ex-Machina, Now Playable – Joshanne Dar
MissUniverseGAN – Fabiola Larios – Samm Anga and Veronica Petukhov