3D Printing

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. … 3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods.

The Immersive Kind: A Space for Emerging Interdisciplinary Digital Artists with an X-factor

Many have tried to create an artistic community that welcomes non-binary and emerging artists. UK-based, global collective The Immersive [...]

2021-12-04T13:43:25+00:0024 January 2021|3D, Agora Talks, Animation Art, Art and Technology, Augmented Reality, Digital Art, LGBTQIA+, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality|Comments Off on The Immersive Kind: A Space for Emerging Interdisciplinary Digital Artists with an X-factor

The New Media Sculpture and Performance of Colette Bernard

Looking at how technology is enhancing pre-existing artistic practises. Elspeth Walker  |  Ed Francesca Gransden  |  10 July 2020 [...]

2022-01-27T16:39:20+00:0016 July 2020|Digital Art, Feminism, Immersive Environment, New Media Art, Performance, Sculpture|Comments Off on The New Media Sculpture and Performance of Colette Bernard
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