adrian stclair

Adrian StClair is a volunteer Digital Curator at Agora Digital Art.

Videogame Art with Kristoffer Zetterstrand

In our fifth episode of Curator’s Radar, we are in conversation with Kristoffer Zetterstrand, an accomplished Swedish artist whose [...]

2022-03-27T15:44:12+01:001 June 2021|Animation Art, Computer Art, Digital Art, Game Art, Illustration, Immersive Environment, New Media Art, Podcast Interview, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Videogame Art with Kristoffer Zetterstrand

Curator’s Radar 4: Who’s Cem from Freeze Magazine?

That face when you meme your way to the top of the art world. Adrian StClair  |  Ed [...]

2022-03-27T15:53:41+01:001 May 2021|Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Illustration, New Media Art, Podcast Interview, Political Art|Comments Off on Curator’s Radar 4: Who’s Cem from Freeze Magazine?

Curator’s Radar #2: Discover the XR artist Lucy Wheeler

Dive into the metaverse with Lucy Wheeler, an extended reality artist who converges her fine art skills with the [...]

2022-03-27T19:57:36+01:0020 February 2021|Computer Art, Digital Art, Interview, Mixed Reality, New Media Art, Podcast Interview, Virtual Reality|Comments Off on Curator’s Radar #2: Discover the XR artist Lucy Wheeler

Curator’s Radar #1: Discover Sian Fan the Multi-talented Artist

Agora Digital Art is proud to present the first episode of Curator's Radar with Adrian StClair. Our first mark [...]

2022-02-07T11:23:05+00:0011 January 2021|Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Game Art, Interview, Performance, Podcast Interview, Video Art, Virtual Reality, Women To Watch|Comments Off on Curator’s Radar #1: Discover Sian Fan the Multi-talented Artist
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