gretchen andrew

Gretchen Andrew (b. 1988) is a Los Angeles search engine and internet imperialist artist.

She trained in London with the artist Billy Childish from 2012-2017. In 2018, the V&A Museum released her book Search Engine Art. Starting in 2019, she became known for her vision boards and associated performative internet manipulations of art world institutions of Frieze Los Angeles, The Whitney Biennial, The Turner Prize, and The Cover of Artforum.

Gretchen Andrew’s work has recently been featured in Flash Art, The Washington Post, Fortune Magazine, Monopol, Wirtschaftswoche, The Los Angeles Times, and The Financial Times.

Gretchen Andrew

Gretchen Andrew Can a woman artist subvert the machines? Well, let’s debug how Gretchen Andrew [...]

2022-02-07T12:09:57+00:0022 November 2020|AI, Art and Technology, Biography, Blockchain, Computer Art, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, ethereum, Feminism, New Media Art, NFT, Performance|Comments Off on Gretchen Andrew
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