nicole welch

Nicole Welch (b. 1974, Bathurst, Australia) (@nicole_welch_artist) is based in the regional Australian town of Bathurst. A new media artist focussing on the moving image and the adaption of cinematic devices to explore the Australian Landscape and time, she holds a Masters of Fine Arts from the University of New South Wales. Welch has also studied at the Australian National University in Canberra (Bachelor of Visual Arts (Printmaking), Honours) and has also lived and practised in the United Kingdom. She explores the concept of immersion, using her body as a performative vessel for many of her video works. Welch is represented by MAY SPACE (@mayspacesyd), a Sydney-based commercial art gallery. In 2021, MAY SPACE is leaving its current physical premises to transition to a purely online presence – MAY SPACE Online – in an exciting step towards a digital future.

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