non-fungible tokens

A non-fungible token is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files.

Ophelia Fu Showcases New Crypto Art in Virtual World

UK-based mixed media and digital artist Ophelia Fu has a new digital art show that you and anyone else [...]

2022-01-27T13:57:38+00:0022 December 2020|Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, New Media Art, NFT, Online Show|Comments Off on Ophelia Fu Showcases New Crypto Art in Virtual World

About the Net With Wade Wallerstein From Silicon Valet

From anthropology to digitalogy, there is only one jump that Wade Wallerstein did brilliantly with his project: Silicon Valet. [...]

2022-01-27T16:30:55+00:0020 August 2020|Art and Technology, Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, Digital Art, Digital Avatar, Interview, Metaverse, New Media Art, NFT, Online Show, tokens|Comments Off on About the Net With Wade Wallerstein From Silicon Valet

Crypto Art Fraud on Rarible Sparks Governance Discussion

On Feb. 8, artist Karan Singh notified via Twitter, the blockchain-based art platform Rarible that some of his work [...]

2021-12-04T09:53:09+00:0014 February 2020|Art and Technology, Art Market, Blockchain, cryptocurrency, ethereum, New Media Art, NFT, tokens|Comments Off on Crypto Art Fraud on Rarible Sparks Governance Discussion
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