traynor review

Peter Traynor review the editorial of Agora Digital Art

Magic by Kiki Reflects on Taking a Leap of Faith as an Independent Black Female Digital Artist

Magic by Kiki is an independent digital artist. Her clients include regular people, sole traders and large brands like [...]

The ultimate in iteration: Why do classical motifs keep popping up in digital art?

Digital art sits at the vanguard of art’s technical progression – it is hard to think of an artistic [...]

2022-04-22T23:53:53+01:0026 January 2022|Art and Technology, Computer Art, Digital Art, New Media Art|Comments Off on The ultimate in iteration: Why do classical motifs keep popping up in digital art?

The Disembodied Sublime: Are You Really Who You Think You Are?

The Sublime 3.0: Fear & Awe is featured in The Wrong Biennale, pavilion 37, where we showcase how New [...]

2022-04-22T20:25:59+01:0010 January 2022|Digital Art, Metaverse, New Media Art, Virtual Reality|Comments Off on The Disembodied Sublime: Are You Really Who You Think You Are?

What is Fungibility? NFTs, Slavery and Mushrooms.

Unpicking the lexicon of NFTs reminds us how interconnected capitalism, technology and slavery really are. Zelda Solomon  |  [...]

2022-04-23T00:20:31+01:0027 December 2021|Digital Art, New Media Art, Performance, Political Art|Comments Off on What is Fungibility? NFTs, Slavery and Mushrooms.
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