How to navigate in Hubs Mozilla
Thanks to our partner Metaxustudio composed by Ertu, Pierre-François, Neil and Pablo.
Thank you for your incredible flexibility and know-how.
Should you have a VR headset, it’s best on Occulus Quest 2 and later models.
To enjoy the exhibition inside Hubs Mozilla, please make sure to have:
- desktop experience only
- a stable connection
- Firefox or Google Chrome
- window zoom size at 25-50% for best resolution or it pixellates
- your earphones
How to navigate inside Hubs Mozilla on laptops or desktops:
- a mouse to rotate:
- Q and E or left mouse button
- to teleport: Right mouse button
- a keyboard to move:
- Arrow or W, A, S, D keys
- to fly: press g or type /fly in the chat
- to move faster: press the SHIFT key + arrow
- to jump into the 360 degrees video:
- click on the space bar and jump with your mouse on the mini icon
- to jump out press: g
Don’t forget to create your avatar with Ready Player Me (half-body only) and link it to Hubs. Step-by-step pdf here.