W21 is an open-source data feminist project that has received contributions from all around the world.

W21 is an ongoing participatory art project focusing on post-feminism and intersectional practice in art, science, culture, and technology. We aim to map feminist practice and to write a collaborative manifesto for the digital era, with deep considerations of gender, class or race.

SpeakersMargot Mottaz, Associate Curator at Superblue in conversation with Wilhelmina Madeley, Head of Exhibition at Acute Art and Zaiba Jabbar, Digital Curator and Founder of Her Vision.

The three curators will answer the following questions:

  • How to build and engage with the audience in multidimensional spaces?
  • How the body can perform and be represented in these constantly changing yet interdependent spaces?
Recorded on 25 May 2021. Moderated by Valeria Facchin and Delanie Linden

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