Isabella Helms, Digital Curator

Isabella Helms - Volunteer Digital Curator at Agora Digital Art

Isabella obtained her MA in Art History and Museum Curating from the University of Sussex in 2020. Her studies had a strong focus on museum inclusivity and social justice within the arts sector. She currently works for a Fine Art Gallery in the South West. 

Isabella’s work for Agora has drawn her interest to Digital Art’s positive impact on artistic communities. With endless ways to exhibit, discuss and learn, Isabella believes that digital platforms are elevating contemporary art, with female and non-binary artists at the forefront of this exciting movement. She is thrilled to be working alongside Agora’s curatorial team to create engaging exhibitions, residencies and podcasts. 

Isabella Helms’ s Portfolio for Agora

Curator and Talk Moderator

21.06.23 Agora talk 28: Pierre Francois Gerard for Agora Digital Art
21.04.14 Agora Talk20: Carla Gannis for Agora Digital Art
21.01.27 Lucy Wheeler from The Immersive Kind for Agora Digital Art
20.12.16 Mila askarova - Claudia Hart
20.10.28 Agora Talk: Or Williams - The Wedding March (2020) for Agora Digital Art
20.06.24 Gretchen Andrew Penny Slinger for Agora Digital Art

Artists Residencies

Women Digital Artists: Raluca Moldoveanu and Alice Prum (Amiss Collective) Digital residency at Agora Digital Art

Stories and Podcasts

  • Women Digital Artist: Raluca Moldoveanu and Alice Prum (Amiss Collective) Digital residency at Agora Digital Art

Honey I’m Home – Amiss Collective

What springs to mind when you think about the ‘domestic space’? Do your thoughts take you to the comforts of home or the place you can be most yourself?  Isabella Helms  |  Ed [...]

  • Women Digital Artist: Raluca Moldoveanu and Alice Prum (Amiss Collective) Digital residency at Agora Digital Art
  • Women Digital Artists: Raluca Moldoveanu and Alice Prum (Amiss Collective) Digital residency at Agora Digital Art

Honey, I’m Home 😉 – Amiss Collective

Residents: Raluca Moldoveanu and Alice Prum (Amiss Collective) Amiss Collective, Honey, I'm Home 😉 (2021) © Courtesy of the artists Raluca Moldoveanu and Alice Prum. [...]

  • Woman in Digital Art: Wednesday Kim for Agora Digital Ar

Wednesday Kim

Wednesday Kim Through sharing her perception of trauma, human psychology and identity, Wednesday Kim creates Digital Art with a human touch. Isabella Helms |  Ed Peter Traynor |  27 June 2020 [...]

  • Agora-Talk-19-Carla-Gannis-wwwunderkammer Agora Digital Art

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis

wwwunderkammer from XR to social VR – Carla Gannis wwwunderkammer appeals to the 16th  century “Cabinets of Curiosity” to consider the uncanny complications of grounded reality and virtual reality, nature and artifice, science [...]

  • 20.10.28 Agora Talk: Or Williams - The Wedding March (2020) for Agora Digital Art

Seeking Perfection in Imperfection

The mark of what determines ‘perfection’ is one that is constantly changing, particularly regarding the female body. Isabella Helms  |  Ed YoungMi Lamine | 25 October 2020 [...]

  • 20.07.22 Agora Talk: Helen Benigson Oxford show

(M)otherhood: Online, Offline and in Lockdown

Benigson uses the terms “Fattening” and “flattening” are words that we can physically feel on our fingertips.  As something expands and contracts, our mind is drawn to matters of the flesh; the fullness of [...]

  • 20.06.24 Agora Talk: Penny Slinger

How women subvert the art world using digital art

Can women artists beat men with their own tools? That's what we going to discover with Gretchen Andrew and Penny Slinger in this first Agora Talk. Isabella Helms  |  Ed Francesca Gransden  | [...]

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