James Dorman, Copywriter and Biographer
James Dorman (he/him/his)
I have a bit of a mixed background. My university training was in human biology,
but since graduating in 2013 I have worked as a professional actor. Well, worked
as much as I possibly can as an actor. Sadly, I still need an office day job as well
at the moment!
I’m based in Liverpool, which has an amazing artistic community that really
fosters an environment of collaboration and doing what you can to elevate your
fellow creatives. It’s with these values that I was drawn to volunteering with
Agora; I wanted to be a part of a platform that helps champion other artists and
draw attention to their work.
The world of Digital Art is a new one for me to explore and immerse myself in, so
I look forward to gaining something of an education while I play my small part in
helping to shine a spotlight on these amazingly talented female artists.